Thursday, November 22, 2007


The way you touch my hand,
how it fits mine so perfectly
as we take that walk together
and laugh at random things..

Or when we cuddle in the sofa,
and watch our favorite movie
and throw popcorn at each other
just for the fun of it..

When the rain pours outside,
you hug me ever so tenderly
and you hum our favorite song
along with the rain's melody..

When you try your best,
to prepare my favorite meal
even though you don't get it right
your smile makes up for everything,,

In all those little things,
I know how you feel..
How much you show your love..
how perfect you can be..

too bad..

I see it in your eyes..
Whenever you look at me so deeply..
I know that who you see..
Is her and never me..

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